Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Comparison of Attitude, Personality, and Knowledge Predictors of Service-Oriented Essay

The research design that was used in this study was correlational non-experimental. The variables that were studied included confirmatory factor analysis, item-to-total correlations, improvement in the Cronbach’s alpha statistic, and attitudinal and personality antecedents. With the use of antecedents, the job satisfaction measure incorporated seven items on a variety of extrinsic and intrinsic work related aspects and one global job satisfaction item. Two studies were conducted to investigate the attitude, personality, and knowledge antecedents of service oriented OCBs. It consisted of participants, whose responsibilities included answering customer service inquiries, responding to customer problems, and selling and recommending services over the phone. There were 325 employees who agreed to participate in the study in exchange for 1 hour of overtime pay. With the second study, the participants included staff and part-time employees of five libraries at a university who had customer contact as part of their daily responsibilities. They represented several departments that have customer contact including circulation, document reserves, and government publications. The relationships proposed were that job satisfaction would be positively related to the service-oriented OCBs of loyalty, service delivery, and participation. Also it expects POS to be positively related to contact-employee loyalty, service delivery, and participation OCBs. They also expected the following: a positive relationship between service orientation and loyalty, no relationship is expected between empathy and loyalty OCBs, the trait richness will be positively related to contact employee loyalty, service delivery, and participation OCBs, and lastly that strategy richness will be positively related to contact employee loyalty, service delivery, and participation OCBs. The study concluded that the results in both studies were virtually identical. The hypotheses in this study were proven after the information was gathered and evaluated. There are no recommendations that I would change within this study, however, I would have applied the study to other employee types. The Influence of Motivation to Attend, Ability to Attend, and Organizational Commitment on Different Types of Absence Behaviors Journal of Managerial Issues James P. Burton, Thomas W. Lee, Brooks C. Holtom This study used the experimental design to conduct data. There were three types of variables that were used in this study which included independent, dependent, and controlled. The dependent variable was a time lost measure of absence that was used where the total number of days absent per employee was observed for a period of ten months following the administration of the survey that was used on 214 employees. The independent variable was the motivation to attend work which was measured by three items that assessed the degree to which an employee is motivated to go to work every day. Also the ability to attend was measured by four items along with organizational commitment which was measured by the items from Meyer and Allen’s. The controlled variables were age, gender, tenure, and level of education. There were five hypotheses that were proposed: 1) Ability to attend will be positively related to the frequency of absenteeism that is attributed to family issues, 2) Ability to attend will be positively related to the frequency of absenteeism that is attributed to transportation problems, 3a) Motivation to attend will be negatively related to the frequency of absenteeism that is attributed to illness, 3b) Ability to attend will be positively related to the frequency of absenteeism that is attributed to illness, 4) Motivation to attend will be negatively related to the frequency of absenteeism that results in failure to notify the organization, and 5) Motivation to attend will mediate the relationship between affective, normative, and continuance commitment and absenteeism. Hypothesis 1 was proven to be accurate, hypothesis 2 and 4 failed to gain significant R2 when the various absenteeism variables were regressed onto motivation to attend and ability to attend. Hypothesis 3a was supported after data was conducted, and Hypothesis 5 could not be conducted because motivation to attend was not significantly related to overall absenteeism. I was unable to find any flaws with this study and do not have any recommendations to change.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Equal Employment Opportunity

One of the key responsibilities of a human resource management professional is the management of diversity and equal employment opportunities within the organisation. Equal employment opportunity refers to the situation in which every individual has access to employment and its benefits. Equal employment opportunity (EEO) refers to the outcomes of human resource management policies and practices and employee and management behaviour. EEO is aimed at transforming an organisation; reviewing the processes associated with the creation and use of power by some groups; and implementation of new measures and policies which attempt to remove bias from procedures such as recruitment and promotion. Managing diversity accepts that the workforce consists of a diverse population of people, with visible and non-visible differences including sex, age, background, race, disability, personality, and work style. There has been a lot of debate recently about affirmative action (AA). Affirmative action (also known as positive action) is where organisations take special initiatives to redress perceived gender or ethnic imbalances in the workforce. At first, affirmative action aimed to eliminate racial imbalance in hiring policies; later it was extended to protect people of color, women, older people and people with disabilities. Equal opportunity laws ban discrimination. Affirmative action goes further by requiring employers to take â€Å"affirmative† steps to achieve a balanced representation of workers. Affirmative action may take many forms. One example would be providing special training solely for women. However, some people see affirmative action as an insult. Some people see affirmative action as assuming that they are not capable of success based on their own merits. This paper will examine whether affirmative action is an insult to women and any other member of an AA target group. The argument put forward for affirmative action is that it allows minority groups, who would otherwise be disadvantaged, to get to the starting line and to allow for a level ‘playing field†. Affirmative action is used as a tool to break the perceived injustice and discrimination of the past. In Australia, the Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act 1986 requires the removal of direct and indirect discrimination through the application of the merit principle in employment policies. Contemporary writing puts forward the theory that managing diversity should be based on ‘no preferential treatment†. Although there is no specific quota system in the above Australian legislation , AA has in the past often been associated with the requirement to maintain certain quotas based on minority group representation. A move to ‘no preferential treatment† means that individuals are not given preference for employment based on specific group membership. Giving preferential treatment to a minority group is sometimes referred to as the ‘remedial action† AA. This means that whereas some people are benefiting by virtue of their group membership, other individuals are excluded, even though their developmental need might be as great. Singling out individuals based on a minority quality (sex, religion etc) can be seen to be an insult to that individual. This is particularly true if the individual has all the attributes and skills that would normally mean success. The impression given is not about fairness or equal opportunity, but rather about achieving numbers or targets. There is also ‘research that suggests that, as currently construed, affirmative action policy can thwart rather than promote workplace equity. The stigma associated with affirmative action can fuel rather than debunk stereotypical thinking and prejudiced attitudes†. Managing diversity should not focus on minority groups. Managing diversity should focus on the problems of the individual. It should focus on identifying what the individual needs in terms of development. Actions ought to be targeted on any individual who has a particular development need and not restricted to those who are members of a particular group. However, all of the above is idealistic. There has often been a realism in the marketplace that contrasts the above. In some respects, affirmative action has been a necessary tool to ensure that minority groups have representation in theorganisation. The goal has been not so much to achieve a quota or a target, but rather to force down the walls of discrimination that many organisations have had in the past. In this respect, affirmative action should not be seen as an insult to minority groups. For as some minorities may have all the skills necessary to gain a certain appointment or job, it is all but useless if the employer (or the person who makes the decision on who gets hired) has a bias against that person based on their minority attribute (whether that be sex, religion or what not). Women, in general, have been the main beneficiaries of affirmative action. The number of women entering the professions, including medicine, law and accounting, has increased substantially in 30 years. Women of all races have increased their share of professional positions in corporations, and it is arguable that there would be no women police officers, fire fighters, bus drivers or construction workers without affirmative action. Affirmative action is not an insult to women (or other minority groups), but rather a method to ensure that the glass ceilings that have implicitly existed in the workforce in the past are destroyed. Affirmative action does not mean that minority groups are employed simply based on minority attributes. Affirmative action means that employers make that extra effort to ensure that their organisation reflects the wider community. However, women have yet to achieve equality in the work place. There is still a large portion of the female workforce working in a narrow range of low-paying, low-status jobs. They are under-represented in many occupations. Up until the 1970s, there were few women in law schools; few opportunities to go outside of jobs traditionally reserved for women. Many women face invisible employment barriers that block access to advancement opportunities into higher-paying jobs with increased responsibilities. Some women are stuck in low-wage jobs with little or no opportunity to advance into supervisory or managerial positions. When women do obtain managerial jobs, they often are confined to specific departments with less authority and outside the track to upper-level, senior management jobs. These ‘glass ceiling† barriers prematurely halt the progress of women in the workplace and prevent them from developing their full potential and talents as workers. Affirmative action programs help to shatter the glass ceiling because they expand opportunities for qualified women and can lead to higher wages, more advancement opportunities, and improved financial security. One of the key responsibilities of a human resource management professional is the management of diversity and equal employment opportunities within the organisation. One method of ensuring equal opportunity within an organisation is by the use of affirmative action. Affirmative action is a policy to encourage equal opportunity and to level the playing field for groups of people who have been and are discriminated against. Affirmative action has been considered essential to assuring that jobs are genuinely and equally accessible to qualified persons, without regard to their sex, racial, or ethnic characteristics. Affirmative action was not established to punish any particular group or place people into positions they are not qualified for. It was established to involve everybody; to have the opportunities for economic, academic and social success accessible to everybody. It should not be regarded as an insult to women or other minority groups. Affirmative action does not mean that minority groups are employed simply based on minority attributes. Affirmative action means that employers make that extra effort to ensure that their organisation reflects the wider community. Affirmative action has been useful to society. Through equal opportunity programs, workplaces are much more diverse than several decades ago, because of the opportunities for seeing work and education have been expanded to include everyone. Affirmative action should not be regarded as an insult. It should be regarded as a tool and medium that ensures that suitably qualified people are provided with jobs, and not discriminated against based on a minority attribute.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Team Development Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team Development - Coursework Example The duo proposed that a small group passes through five stages to get fully matured (Tuckman & Jensen, 2010). They proposed the paths to include; forming, storming, norming, performing and finally the adjourning stages. It is for this reason that any team leader should endeavor to know the characteristics of each stage so that he/she can find and adopt the necessary skills to deal with the members challenges. The following essay is about the stages passed through by the sales team formed by Barclays Bank to increase their market share by selling loans and other products to which I was a member. This stage was characterized by a lot of curiosity and excitement as many of us were not yet sure of the real purpose of the team. Most people at this stage did not know each other and their ability/skills. However, the team members were polite and receptive to each other. The team leader was very initiative and more result-oriented. He introduced us to major tasks in a bid to maximize friendly atmosphere to see tasks adopted and completed in time. He was very directive at this level and walked through the team giving directions. Here we had several disagreements and conflicts amongst ourselves as other members realized the tasks were quite challenging. Some colleagues became totally incorporative with each other, even questioning the authority of the team leader and his roles other thereby fuelling the conflicts. This, however, is expected at this stage according to (Eyre & Mind Tool Team, 2014). They suggest that the leader should be assertive and more positive to the main goal, skills that were absent in our team leader. They recommend that He/she should even consider training members on conflict resolution and explain to them that whatever was happening at that stage was normal (Eyre & Mind Tool Team, 2014). This was not the case with

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Theorising Art, Media and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Theorising Art, Media and Design - Essay Example It advocates their independence and their role in the society – a role which is more than that inside the household (Chodorow). This paper will discuss feminism in the context of visual culture and the means by which this particular movement was theorized and historicized in the past three centuries. Before delving into the discussion of the historiography of the femininity in the context of visual arts, it is appropriate to explain the projection of women in contemporary art by citing varying texts published by feminist writers. In particular, this research will use Amelia Jones’ book, The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader, as its primary basis for said study. Jones’ work focuses on the collates different accounts and writings concerning art, film, architecture, popular culture, new media, and other visual fields in the point of view of feminist thinkers and writers. The author describes feminism as, â€Å"... in most of its forms, proposes and demands a polit ical and/or ethical stance towards cultural experience...† (Jones 2). She also argues that the presence of visual culture, â€Å"... is a rubric and a model of critical thinking about the world of images saturating contemporary life.† (Jones 2). ... of critical models of reading visual imagery in visual culture and its related disciplines of art history, film theory, television studies, and the visually oriented arm of media, new media and culture studies.† (Jones 3). There is no need to explain what had been cited from the work of the author. She directly applies the leading role of such movement in contemporary forms of art and media. However well established feminism is as a major movement that advocates the emphasis of the female gender in a patriarchal society, the depiction of femininity and its degradation in some visual arts has had a lengthy discourse. According to Judith Butler in the book, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, â€Å"The notion of an original or primary gender identity is often parodied within the cultural practices of drag, cross-dressing and the sexual stylization of butch/femme identities. Within the feminist theory, such parodic identities have been understood to be either degrading to women...† (187). Butler makes clear that not all contemporary art can be beneficial to the cause of women empowerment. The example that she had presented gives light to the misuse of the feminist movement which had inevitably resulted to the lampooning of the feminine gender. Indeed when the ideological basis of feminism is used but the medium of expression is deformed, the outcome may cause harm to the ultimate goal of uplifting femininity as gender in the arts. If Jones depicts feminism as the major player in the context of contemporary visual arts and Butler argues that the proper expression of feminism in the mentioned media is a must, other feminist writers regard that feminism in visual arts can create liberal and complex image of the female subject. Judith Williamson

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cross cultural management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Cross cultural management - Term Paper Example During the spring festival, people living in far places travel back home in order to celebrate together with their relatives. The events taking place during this festival makes it period the busiest event in the Chinese calendar. Mostly, the festival falls during the first day of the first lunar month, which in most cases comes later than the Gregorian calendar. The Chinese history traces the origin of this festival back to the Shang Dynasty, an era when people used to sacrifice to the gods, and their ancestors at the end and the beginning of the year (Wei, 2011). To them, it was a way of thanksgiving to the gods. Although the event lasts for a long period, the first three days of the month are most important days. With the event becoming more important in the celebration of the Chinese heritage, the government now stipulates that people should have at least seven days off in its celebration (Pan & Tang, 2004). This shows how the event is important even at the national level. People celebrate many events during the spring festival. ... ry eve, which falls on the twenty third day of the twelfth month, people start preparing for the event called â€Å"Seeing the New year in.† the busiest people in the society at this time are store owners as people buy food to cook on the big occasion, new clothes, house decorations, among others (Pan & Tang, 2004). On the day of the New Year, people dress up early in the morning, and the first thing is extending greetings to their parents. The elder ones then give gifts to the children in form of money wrapped in red paper. Then the celebrations, which involve specially prepared and good food prepared in accordance to their culture (Wei, 2011). The lantern Festival The lantern festival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, in the Gregorian calendar falls between the February and March. The event, having begun in the Western Han Dynasty, over time has gained significance, until the present day China. Interestingly, just as the name suggests, the most impo rtant event that takes place during this festival is watching lanterns. History points out that during the Han Dynasty, Buddhism flourished more in china than in any other part of the world. One of the Chinese emperors on hearing that Buddhist monks would watch sarira (remains of the cremated body of Buddha), on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month under the light of lanterns, he ordered the rest of the people to respect the Buddha on this day (Wei, 2011). With time however, the event became more popular among the Chinese people, thus maintaining its popularity in the Chinese society. People, during these celebrations prepare special food called yuanxiao or rice dumping, hence the common name, â€Å"yuanxiao festival† among the people. Additionally, people guess lantern riddles at night, while

Friday, July 26, 2019

Written communication assessment ( 30%) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Written communication assessment ( 30%) - Essay Example PSA is considered to be the leading supporter of pharmacists’ rights. It helps influence the attitudes and policies of the government and society through networking, continuing education, coordination, and health promotion activities. The Consumers Health Forum (CHF) speaks in behalf of the health consumers. It is an independent non-governmental organization which helps fashion Australia’s health care system by encouraging the consumers to participate in establishing health policies. The CHF gathers data, opinions, and complaints from the people and brings them to the attention of concerned government officials. Through their actions, government officials can make the necessary adjustments in policies for the good of the public. According to CHF, the general public should be given affordable, safe and quality medicines and health services. They also believe that consumers should have a chance to be involved in the management of their health care. Consumers should also be given access to vital health information in ways they can easily understand. The CHF prioritizes the safety and quality of health care services especially for patients with chronic conditions. The organization members come from different c ommunity and health sectors, including illness-based groups, population groups and other health-interest groups. (â€Å"Our CHF – Who are we?†). Through these various members, they give a voice to the consumer public. In 1928, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia was established. It successfully bonded together a number of pharmacy organizations from various States. It is registered as an employees’ organization and it has about 4500 member pharmacists throughout Australia. The Guild functions as a single entity, not a federation. The Guild involves itself in several areas of health care such as health

The War on Drugs and the War on Terrorism Research Paper

The War on Drugs and the War on Terrorism - Research Paper Example Some scholars perceive these two issues as results of poor leadership styles and poor leadership characters, suggesting eradication may be possible with quality and ideal leadership. This paper seeks to examine the war on terrorism and the war on drugs, as well as analyze the importance of leadership in avoiding these issues. Introduction Terrorism and drugs are among the social issues that negatively affects a nation and the universal society as a whole. The two issues destroy the pillars of the society, potentially destroying inter community and intra community relations. For several decades, the fight against these two issues has been of concern to media. This war on drugs and terrorism began actively in the twentieth century when the two issues began significantly affecting the societal setup in various communities (Richman, 2002). Some scholars perceive these two issues as results of poor leadership styles and poor leadership characters, suggesting eradication may be possible with quality and ideal leadership. Essentially, societal problems such as use of drugs within a community or involvement in terror attacks often occur because of poor leadership or the exclusion of these groups from leadership decisions. In societies experiencing terrorism and drug issues, the leaders of that society have the responsibilitie s to ensure that these issues diminish from these issues. The challenges facing these leaders including designing strategies, and implementing them, as well as enforcing them to advocate for drug and terrorism eradication from the society. Regardless of the capabilities of leaders, they need a team to lead a society against such wars. The problem is designing a team and administration that is competent enough (Schopp and Hill, 2009). Additionally, an effective communication system flowing mutually within the administration is a great challenge. Great leaders have strong personalities, policies, will, and vision that promote the general good of the society. The war on both drugs and terrorism is far from over, at least with the current leaders occupying the relevant offices that combat these issues. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of leadership in the global society, especially on the war against terrorism and drugs. Drug Abuse History and Legislations Terrorism and drugs have been a persistent issue in countries all over the world, especially in Western nations such as the United States of America. The war on drugs, a term coined in 1971 by US President Richard Nixon, in the US is a controversial policy seeking to define and reduce illegal drug trade. At the frontline of the war are policies that discourage consumption, production, and distribution of illegal psychoactive drugs in the US and the rest of the world. In the early years of the twentieth century, most of the drug market was significantly unregulated. Medication remedies containing derivatives of heroin and cocaine were distributed freely without awareness or prescription, thus majority of consumers were unaware of the potent of the drugs (Lal, 2008). In 1886, the Supreme Court ruled against regulation of commerce by state governments, unfortunately leaving the skimpy federal government to enforce existing drug

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6

Operations Management - Essay Example For example the case study for Mark and Spencer that is involved in providing high quality fashionable products, product design is very essential so as to produce products that are highly competitive in the market (Vilcox & Thomas 2007). The company is known for innovation of its fabrics from its own textile technologies laboratories that is part of the product design. The process of product design however requires the input of several resources so as to come up with a presentable product in the market. The most essential requirement for the design of products in the apparel industry the raw material used to design the product. For the final product to be highly competitive in the market, the used raw materials should be of high quality although relatively low priced (Paulin & Hillery 2009). The raw material should be provided as low prices so as to regulate the product cost in the market. To enhance the constant provision of the raw materials, Mark and Spencer invested in a close re lationship with its materials suppliers. Due to these factors the company is known for the use of easy synthetic fibre to design its clothing. The company also prides in the application of high health and hygiene standards in the processing of their food products. The company has invented the design of new styles by providing new brands over shorter periods (Malcom 2007). Despite operating in a highly competitive market, Mark and Spencer has embraced innovation using the latest technology to suit the changing trends, the fashion and design sector (Jones 2006). The values of quality and service which were used by Mark and Spencer however led to higher prices of the products. Designing of products is essential because in determine different characteristics of the product as well as how well the product functions (Jones 2006). The essential activities involved in product design include research and development, marketing and engineering. Some of the factors of the product that are dete rmined by the design process include the products cost and quality (Beauchamp, Norman & Arnold 2008). The main purpose of design is to develop a product or service that appeals to the consumer at convincing prices and at the same time. For the product to achieve this it has to be designed using high quality but low cost raw materials. The technology applied in the development of the product also determines the p

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Evaluating ICT Use in Teaching Dyslexic Students in the Mainstream Dissertation - 1

Evaluating ICT Use in Teaching Dyslexic Students in the Mainstream Primary Schools in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example 4Study Sample 40 3. 5Ethics 40 3. 6Administration of the Questionnaire 42 3. 7Conclusion 42 Chapter 4: Result and Analysis 43 4.1.Introduction 43 4.2.Response Rate 43 4.3.Characteristics of the Study Sample (Demographic Data) 44 4..2.1.1Academic Qualifications 44 4..2.2.1Major 45 4..2.3.1Minor Major 46 4..2.4.1Teaching Experience 47 4..2.5.1ICT Training 48 60 4.4.Discussion 83 Chapter 6 Conclusion 88 6.1Achievements of the Study 88 6.2Implications for practice 88 6.3Strengths and weaknesses in the study 91 6.4Implications for further research 92 References 94 Abstract Since the introduction of computers in schools in 1970s the role of computers has progressed form tutor to topic to tool. Today, information and computer technology (ICT) has far reaching implications in every sphere of life. Education and learning process have achieved new dimensions with the integration of ICT in the process. It is of special significance for teaching of children with special needs since these student s are characterized by deficits that have adverse impacts on their academic performance. Among the learning disabilities, one of the major causes of concern is dyslexia due to its high prevalence and multivariant manifestation and is characterized by marked reading disability. Use of ICT based intervention strategies have shown potential for overcoming these deficits. Integration of ICT to learning renders the teacher training for ICT imperative. The current study attempts to investigate the availability and integration of ICT resources for the education of regular and dyslexic students in Saudi Arabia and the perceptions of teachers regarding its efficacy for the purpose. The study involved participants from primary schools of Riyadh, KSA who were provided questionnaires comprising of close ended questions on their educational qualifications, experience and ICT training; use and availability of ICT related hardware and software; and their opinion regarding the efficacy and obstacle s in the use of ICT. Significant results from the quantitative research proved a positive correlation existed between ICT training and efficacy of ICT as an educational tool; thus indicating the importance of teacher training in influencing teachers’ perception and usage of ICT. ICT AND DYSLEXIA For people without disabilities, technology makes things convenient; for people with disabilities†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦it makes things POSSIBLE. (Treviranus, 2000) Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter introduces use of information and communication technology (ICT) for education of students with dyslexia and the importance of study of various aspects of dyslexia for an individual as well as a teacher. In order to achieve this aim, the chapter attempts to outline the rationale behind the study, followed by an update on special education status with special attention to Saudi Arabia as the researcher’s country of residence as well as United Kingdom (UK); researcher residing in UK for the major part of the research process. Finally the chapter outlines the aims of the research along with the various objectives followed to achieve the aims. 1.1 Introduction The last two decades have witnessed tremendous advances in information and c

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Leadership Skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership Skills - Assignment Example A classroom would become a fish market if a teacher does not lead it. A home would run out of finances if the parent/parents don’t control the expenditures of the children. A company would lose track of the project scope, time and quality if the employees are not led by the manager. People vary in their scope of leadership, yet they have to execute certain leadership skills irrespective of the scope of leadership or the circumstances in which they have to execute the leadership. Three Leadership Skills Three of the most fundamental leadership skills are planning, controlling and resolving the conflicts. They are discussed below: Planning Planning is the first and the foremost necessity of leadership. A leader has a plan according to which he/she directs the followers. This plan is made with a view to achieving the goal that is of interest not only to the leader, but also to the whole team. People would not follow a leader until they see something coming out of it that they val ue. Planning is defined as choosing the course of action. From among a variety of plans, a leader is entitled to select such a plan that maximizes the benefits and convenience both for himself/herself and for the whole team and minimizes the cost of operation and the problems and risks. Since the entire project is based on the plan selected by the leader, an individual must be extremely skilled in choosing the right plan in order to be an effective leader. Controlling Controlling is the second most essential skill every leader should have. Controlling essentially means making the followers conform to the instructions of the leader. A leader has hundreds of ways to control the followers, but the most effective of them requires the leader to be least authoritative and dictator in his approach and nature. A leader can best control the followers by earning their confidence. Leadership exists only as long as the trust of the followers sustains. The moment that trust is shattered, the lea der is gone. In order to gain that trust, a leader should make the followers aware of his/her plans and the reason he/she wants the followers to act in a certain way. Once the project has been started, the leader should make sure that the followers are provided with all materials, resources and funds they need to execute the project. Thus, a leader needs to control the expenses and resources. There has to be a balance in the cash flow and the use of resources. The leader must know what resources to release in what amount and at what time. Being at the right place at the right time is the key to effective controlling. Conflict Resolution Whenever there is a team, conflicts are bound to occur. Conflicts may be functional or dysfunctional. Functional conflicts are those in which the team members argue with one another in an attempt to identify the most suitable course of action. Dysfunctional conflicts are those in which the followers fight with one another over matters that are of no significance to work. A leader must ensure that the functional conflicts do not change into the dysfunctional ones and the dysfunctional conflicts do not occur at all. A leader can achieve this if he/she has adequate conflict resolution skills. There are certain exercises that can help a leader resolve conflicts among the followers. The leader should design process groups for the work and allow the followers time to spend with one another

Monday, July 22, 2019

Old Growth Forest Essay Example for Free

Old Growth Forest Essay Question: a strong opponent of logging old growth forests Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am Leeson, and today I am going to talk about whether we should log the old growth forests. Firstly, what are old growth forests? Old growth forests are those where the overstore is in the late mature growth stage with the presence of relatively large old trees, many containing hollows and often with the presence of dieback or dead branches in the crown. They are so important to the human life, as they are like the climate change mitigation. Also, a lot of animals can only live in old growth forests, just like fish can only live in water. In Victoria, we know old growth forests to be â€Å"Forests which contain significant amount of its oldest growth stage in the upper stratum. † What does this mean? It means these forests are historically, culturally, ecologically significant and valuable. Therefore, we human have no reason to log any of the old growth forest. Firstly, the old growth forests mitigate the climate change. Old-growth forests store large amounts of carbon in wood, humus, and peat, they are an important part of carbon sequestration and its impacts on climate change and climate change mitigation. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in its 2007 report: â€Å"In the long term, a sustainable forest management strategy aimed at maintaining or increasing forest carbon stocks, while producing an annual sustained yield of timber, fibre or energy from the forest, will generate the largest sustained mitigation benefit. As we know, the climate problem is one of the most serious problems that human are facing to, if we keep logging the old growth forests for human living while we are polluting the environment for human development, we will not have a nice future to be with. So stop logging the old growth forest! Secondly, old growth forests are the only home for a lot of animals. Image if I drive a bulldozer through in your home, how would this make you feel? Where would you go? The ecologically value and significance of old- growth-forests is they can do something that other forests cannot do: they act as the home of various forms of wildlife. Without old growth forests, where would they live? The report from Bureau of Rural Sciences from Australian Government said: â€Å"A number of wildlife species are reliant on these types of forest because of the range of nesting hollows and greater structural complexity they have in comparison with forests in earlier stages of development. Obviously logging the old growth forests indicates killing plenty of wildlife, and it is not humane at all! That’s why we shouldn’t log the old growth forests. In conclusion, the old growth forests are acting a important role in nature, not only do they house various forms of wildlife, but they also store more carbon then they emit, so that to mitigate the climate change. Hence, we should not log the old growth forest, for any human use. Thank you!

Higher Education and Vocational Degree Essay Example for Free

Higher Education and Vocational Degree Essay â€Å"What’s Wrong With Vocational School,† by Charles Murray is an Article that states Vocational schooling would be better off than a four year College degree. In Murray’s opinion, college should only be with those with a high IQ rate of 115 or higher and able to handle rigorous and challenging courses. If you are at an IQ below 110 it becomes an issue and you would be more successful in a Vocational program. This article calmly and rationally presents the notion that the population would be better served by the reintroduction of more training for careers in trade occupations becoming more prominent, therefore creating more job opportunities for people graduating with a vocational degree. Many students that graduate from a four year University do not learn what is needed to go into the working field. Murray states â€Å"For a few occupations, a college degree still certifies a qualification. This brings up the question, why do we pressure everyone to get a four year degree? In our society the college you go to means more than your actual qualification or talent you might have. Employers tend to pick a student that graduated from a university over that of a vocational school student just because of the name of the school not the talent the individual has. The degree itself also does not automatically qualify the student for the job and there are much faster and better ways such as a vocational degree for young people to provide credentials to employers. These credentials are needed in the job market for students with vocational degrees. As Murray says, â€Å"Finding a good lawyer or physician is easy but finding a good carpenter, painter, or electrician is becoming difficult. † The jobs needed such as an electrician or painters are those with vocational degrees. We often overlook some of the great jobs that don’t require a degree and are still very rewarding. A vocational degree can bring just as much income sometimes even more than a four year college degree in half the time. We have a mindset that a four year degree is much more valuable than a vocational degree. As Murray conveys this is not true he used an example of a craftsman bringing intrinsic rewards with high income. Vocational degrees are becoming more susceptible in our community. A college degree is no more important than any other high tech occupation such as an NBA player or a cabinet maker. Many of our most high income people do not have a college degree and do not care because they are living happily without it. Murray states the social cachet of a college degree still remains but will erode over time when large numbers of high income people do not have college degrees. † Many employers are looking more at the evidence you are good at something without the benefit of a college degree and will increase more overtime. If this does continue our false outlook of a college degree will diminish. As a society we look at the only way of becoming successful is going to a four university and look over vocational degree programs.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Quantum Mechanics Using Back-of-the-envelope Calculations

Quantum Mechanics Using Back-of-the-envelope Calculations YIP Chung On INTRODUCTION Calculations in quantum mechanics are very often lengthy and mathematically involved, and some problems are impossible to get an analytical solution. Our goal, rather than obtaining an exact solution, we try to analyze a problem in quantum mechanics using dimensional analysis and provide a back-of-the-envelope estimate. We choose the ground state problem of a harmonic-quartic oscillator to perform an analytical estimate, as it is a common and useful quantum mechanics problem. Then we use a computer software, Mathematica to solve differential equations numerically, and compare the solutions with the back-of-the-envelope estimate. Above is the Schrà ¶dinger equation for a one-dimensional particle moving in a combination of a harmonic potential of frequency à °Ã‚ Ã…“† and a quartic potential of strength à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ ½. The study of ground state problem of a harmonic-quartic problem is important, as it is a typical system in reality. There are two special cases for a harmonic-quartic oscillator; one is when the strength of the quartic is very small, it becomes a harmonic oscillator, another one is when the strength of the harmonic potential is very small, it becomes a quartic oscillator. Harmonic oscillator is one of the most important model systems in quantum mechanics, one of the examples are simple diatomic molecules such as hydrogen and nitrogen. It is one of the few quantum-mechanical systems which we are able to get an exact, analytical solution. Also, many potentials can be approximated as a harmonic potential when the energy is very low, this provides a great help when studying some very complicated systems. While in reality, it is unlikely that a system is purely harmonic, as most of the time there would be more than one potential acting in a system. So it is important to study a system with multi-potentials, and a harmonic-quartic oscillator, which includes a harmonic potential and a quartic potential, is a good example of that. Our goal, in this project, is to estimate the ground state energy of a harmonic-quartic oscillator making use of back-of-the-envelope calculations, which means that we only involve very few mathematical calculations in our estimate. To specify, we perform dimensional analysis on the equations of the problem we concern, then we compare the results of our estimate with the numerical solution we get from Mathematica, a computer software, to see how close can our estimate get. METHOD We attempt to use dimensional analysis to estimate the ground state energy of the harmonic-quartic problem, and here would be the procedures we would take to perform a dimensional analysis for finding the ground state energy. First we identify the principal units of measurement for the problem, which means the minimal set of units enough to describe all the input parameters of the problem. For this problem, we choose the units of length, [], and energy, [, these two are often chosen in stationary problems in quantum mechanics. Then we identify the input parameters and their units in terms of the chosen principal units. For each of the principal units, we choose a scale which is a combination of the input parameters measured using their units. We may need to determine the maximal set of independent dimensionless parameters: the set will include only the parameters that are generally either much greater or much less than unity. These include both the dimensionless parameters present in the problem and the dimensionless combinations of the dimensionful input parameters. If the set is empty, the unknown quantities can be determined almost completely, i.e. up to a numerical prefactor of the order of unity. If some dimensionless parameters are present, the class of possible relationships between the unknowns and the input parameters can be narrowed down, but the order of magnitude of the unknown quantities cannot be determined. Finally we express the unknown quantities as a multi-power-law of principal scales, times an arbitrary function of all dimensionless parameters, if any. If no dimensionless parameters are present, the arbitrary function is replaced by an arbitrary constant, presumed to be of the order of unity. SOLVE Before we solve the harmonic-quartic oscillator problem, we would first go through the two special cases, the harmonic oscillator alone and the quartic oscillator alone. Harmonic oscillator alone Consider the Schrà ¶dinger equation for one-dimensional particle moving in a harmonic potential of frequency à °Ã‚ Ã…“†, where à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ… ¡ is the particle’s mass. Find the ground state energy. Principal units: unit of length [], unit of energy [ Input parameters and their units: [ [ where , and To derive the scale of length, let us represent the scale as The units of are [ To derive the scale of energy, let us represent the scale as The units of are [ Solution for the unknown: where const is a number of the order of unity. Its precise value is inaccessible for dimensional methods. Recall that the exact value of this constant is 1/2. Finally, Quartic oscillator alone Consider the Schrà ¶dinger equation for one-dimensional particle moving in a quartic potential of strength where is the particle’s mass. Find the ground state energy. Principal units: unit of length [], unit of energy [ Input parameters and their units: [ [ where To derive the scale of length, let us represent the scale as The units of are [ To derive the scale of energy, let us represent the scale as The units of are [ Solution for the unknown: Finally, Harmonic-quartic oscillator Consider the Schrà ¶dinger equation for one-dimensional particle moving in a combination of harmonic potential of frequency and a quartic potential of strength where is the particle’s mass. Find the ground state energy. Principal units: unit of length [], unit of energy [ Input parameters and their units: [ [ [ where , and To derive the scale of length, let us represent the scale as The units of are: [ We choose the scale associated uniquely with the harmonic oscillator, To derive the scale of energy, let us represent the scale as The units of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ° are: [ We choose the scale associated uniquely with the harmonic oscillator, There exists a dimensionless parameter expressed as a product of powers of principal scales: The units of are: [ As is supposed to be dimensionless, There is an independent dimensionless parameter We choose a scale of parameter in order that the system can be solved Solution for the unknown: where is an arbitrary function. Finally, SOFTWARE COMPARISON DISCUSSION REFERENCES M. Olshanii, Back-of-the-Envelope Quantum Mechanics, 1st ed. (World Scientific, 2013) Quantum harmonic oscillator. Retrieved Feb 1, 2015, from Quantum Harmonic Oscillator. Retrieved Feb 1, 2015, from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Picture of Dorian Gray :: essays research papers

When an artist composes a great piece of work, he puts his heart into it. Part of that person is invested into its creation, which makes it more than just a statue in the park, or a picture on a wall. In Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, more than the artist's heart is put into his painting. Basil Hallward, an artist, paints an amazing lifelike portrait of a man named Dorian Gray. From the moment that these two men met, it was clear that Hallward was infatuated with Gray, and there are several indirect references in the book that he is in love with him-though the author never states either is a homosexual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The painting changes Dorian's life in ways unimaginable. After the portrait is created, Dorian stops aging over time. The painting on the other hand, ages with the years and grows older like a real human being would. This picture is a driving force in Dorian's life, and while he was once a very good person, his conscience was in the painting that led him to lead a corrupt life causing tragedy to others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the final pages of the book, Dorian becomes fed up with what the painting makes him do, and after murdering Hallward, the creator of the evil painting, he decides to get rid of this dreaded piece of art once and for all. Dorian takes the same knife that he killed Hallward with, and stabs the portrait of his older self. A sudden scream echo's, leading the servants to his room a short time later. There, dead on the floor, is an old unrecognizable man who they find out is Dorian. The only evidence that this thing was once Dorian Gray was by the rings on his hands. He lay there, dead on the floor, with a knife stabbed through his heart. Hanging on the wall was a portrait of his, but it was him in his younger years-his youth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He spent his last living moments as a young person, as he had since the picture was painted.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Forever and Always Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writing

Forever and Always Some people believe in miracles. Other people argue that fate is what makes day turn into night and the waves rise high and low crashing over a ship at sea or carrying it to the shore safely. A person of faith will say that ones’ life is controlled by a higher power greater than fate itself. Shannon has heard every excuse, rhyme or reason as to what exactly wills each life changing event. She occasionally agrees, yet never disagrees for reasons that would just be impolite. It is what only she knows in her heart, and in a place that even her heart cannot reach, that wills her to live through each day and keeps her anticipating the comfort of her empty bed at night. It is here, in the glow from a single lit candle holding the scent of the ocean breeze, that Shannon separates herself from the world around her and is brought into the only place she longs to be. To begin the evening ritual, Shannon sits at her vanity, combing each section of her long blonde locks and staring into her reflection. She reminds herself of how her eyes used to sparkle. She attempts to recreate the shimmer in her hazel eyes by recalling a humorous event, or practicing her most infectious grin. Suprised that this doesn’t work (although it has never worked before) she eagerly reaches under her mattress for the photograph that will begin the second step of what will soon ease her into a soundslumber. Shannon immediately finds the grin that she has been searching for. First, on the glossy print that she holds in her hand, and soon after, appearing on her own rose colored lips. One would think that night after night of seeing the same picture would make it turn into only that, a picture. Every time Shannon gazes into this square paper world of hers she is drawn into it as if it were happening all over again. She falls into the time the picture was taken. It was a beautiful summer day, and the sky was painted blue with traces of clouds only to remind the town that it was not, in fact, a canvas, but a true day. The birds flew blissfully, calling to each other. The ocean breeze was just enough to send the smell of the fish from the dock towards the inner part of town. The town itself was quiet. Families gathered today in their homes to share the day with each other. Many of the fishermen had the day off, and although the town should be bust... ...eping over her face, grazing her lips with his smooth fingertips and moving them from there to the tip of her ear where he brings his lips gently to whisper. The feeling of his breath on her is warm and makes Shannon’s body tingle as she begins to believe that he really is in the room with her. She smells the distinct flavor of his cologne in the air and on her pillow and longs for him to wrap her in his arms. â€Å"Jay, I need you here with me.† she proclaims as if he can hear her. â€Å"I’m here. Forever and always.† He speaks and she is calmed by his tender voice. Shannon feels the embrace of his arms around her, and the whispered phrase that accompanies every nightly dream she encounters, declaring his love for her. Finally ready to be disappointed by reality, she opens her eyes only to find that he is real. As she looks at him, he slides the gold sparkling ring onto her finger and their lips find each other. The remainder of the night had come to life with passion. At dawn, when she finally fell asleep with his arms around her, she felt the grin on her face form and the comfort in her heart, knowing that he meant what he said. He would never leave again.

Local and National Provision for Swimming :: Papers

Local and National Provision for Swimming The sport I have chosen to analyse the Local and National provision for is swimming. I have competed in many "in-club" races and swam against several other clubs, this was through a continuous interest in swimming and sport as a whole. Every popular sport has to be provided for at different levels, from an absolute beginner, to international excellence. At each level, there are different coaching and training procedures, as well as the consideration of the disabled to cater for. This operation is run by the Amateur Swimming Association (A.S.A.), where rules are made official and provision is provided, which coaches and swimmers have to abide by. The A.S.A has a swimmer development program called Swim21. I quote from the website, "Swim21 provides a long overdue nationally recognised club development programme which provides clear pathways which swimmers can progress along. I'm sure the programme will go along way to helping us produce the champions of the future." The quote basically tells us that the A.S.A is very keen to produce talented swimmers into the future and do everything it can to achieve this. Swim21 also applies to disabled swimmers. At grass roots level the most important contributor to the access a young performer has to sport is usually from the school, and this is no different in swimming. As well as this many young children have available to them the opportunity of learning to swim at their local swimming facility. Henceforth, in general, once young swimmers have learned the basics, with a particular enjoyment for the sport, they have the choice to move onto competitive swimming by signing up to a club registered with the A.S.A within their area. The next stage to improving is to enter into a training program, suited for age and experience. Normally within a swimming club, there are teaching groups depending on the experience and skills they have, so that they can therefore train to become better, or train to perfect the skills the need to

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Review of American History

The Spanish-American war started with the declaration of war on April 25, 1898 by the United States on Spain following several incidents.These two incidents that prompted US President Mckinley to ask Congress for a declaration of war was the sinking of the American Battleship Maine in Havana harbor with 260 people and the interception of a private letter written by Spanish Minister Dupuy De Lome in Washington describing Mckinley as a â€Å"weak man and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd† (Brinkley, 320).This stirred and fan the American public’s uproar against the Spanish’ brutal occupation of Cuba and many Americans initially supported the war initiative.Meanwhile, during this time in history, a lot of global stirrings were already prompting the other superpowers to â€Å"slice the global cake† with vulnerable continents and countries like Africa and the weak Chinese Empire. The US government has had its taste of â€Å"conquering† so called d ependent people – the American Indians. This experience and the expansionist moves of the other superpowers started the US expansionism tendencies which were further stoked by the so called â€Å"yellow press† or sensationalist journalism.Meanwhile, huge American businesses have also been expanding overseas – beyond American boundaries in search of sources of raw materials, cheap labor and market for its own products.Thus, when the two incidents (Maine and Dupuy’s letter) occurred almost simultaneously, the opportunity to intervene in Cuban affairs presented itself with the overwhelming support of the American public and added pressure from the American business community who has huge investments in Cuba. Soon, the war against Spain reached not only the shores of Cuba but also Puerto Rico, the Philippine Islands, Guam, and other islands like Hawaii and Alaska.While the sensationalism of the news from Cuba stirred the American Public’s support, it w as in the same manner – through the news wire that American public learned about the brutal annexation of the Philippine islands and the subjugation of its rebellion for freedom initially fought against its Spanish rulers, then later on, with its new colonizers – the US government.No less than the famous American author Mark Twain objected to the colonization of the Philippines knowing that like the Cuban rebels, there was an organized Filipino rebellion against Spain prior to the intrusion of the US government into the Philippine islands.   Mark twain openly pointed out the enormous contradictions between the US claim of â€Å"benevolent† foreign policy and its brutal occupation of the islands.When US involvement became progressively more difficult to justify, and eventually came to be defended on the grounds that the U.S. could not retire from it without suffering â€Å"dishonor† according to then President McKinley, Twain advocated the position that â€Å"An inglorious peace is better than a dishonorable war† (Cushing, 1998).Meanwhile, the war in Cuba was referred to as â€Å"a splendid little war† by Secretary of State John Hay (Brinkley, 320). The war was over in as little as four months.   The actual battlefield casualties on the American’s side were 460 but about 5,200 died of diseases (Brinkley, 320). The joint forces of the Cuban rebels and the American Naval blockade already toppled whatever little resistance the Spanish forces mustered to put up.According to Brinkley’s chronology of events (321), the U.S. troops won four decisive battles within a week.   The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898.   What begun as a war to help the Cubans free themselves from Spain’s brutal government ended up as the US government practically wrangling control over Spain’s former colonies – Cuba, the Philippine Islands and Puerto Rico in 1917.At this t ime, many Americans who first supported the efforts against Spain now swayed public opinion against the continuing US expansionism and brutal annexation of other countries.   The true colors and objectives of the US going to war â€Å"to help the Cuban rebels† swiftly shifted not long after the war was declared.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Philosophy †Is Memory Reliable Essay

How would I recruit that my reposition or reasoning processes be rock-steady? There really is no good personal manner to answer this forefront. My jump thought was, well that should be easy, beca custom I net examine my retentivity is reliable by the fact that I mobilize where class is every sidereal sidereal day that I visualise up. If I can think up where the classroom is, that must show my retentivity is reliable. But then I recognize that Im relying on a memory to come up with that example.This makes the question count like a riddle to even try and answer, because in nightspot to figure out if there is a way to lift my memory is reliable, I must use my memory to reverberate memories that readiness apply, and I must as well as assume the accuracy of the memories I might draw from as example. I can non prove memory reliability by development system of logic drawn from the assumption that the memories I used are reliable. This seems to create a fallacy in lo gic forwards even procureting started.In veracity it seems easy to say that yes, although our memories are sometimes wrong, generally more often than not they are right. We know this because we recall from our memory many another(prenominal) times each day to do the simplest tasks. If our memory was that flawed, we would be ineffectual to survive on a day to day basis. Where do I eviscerate water? How do I get food? How do I turn on a automobile? While this does show that we are able to rely on our memories to complete everyday tasks, it doesnt prove our memory is consistently true.We cannot be confident(predicate) that any memory weve ever had really happened exactly the way we remember it (unless natural sources are used, like video or pictures to back up the memory) because of a people of problems with memory like delusion and distortion. Memories can be easily manipulated and altered in many different ways, from simple re-telling where curt details may be unknowingly changed each time a memory is told, to the power of suggestion in which an in all false memory can be implanted into a persons mind and believed to be true by that person.Although these memories may seem very real to us, even to the conduct where we are willing to fight for their reliability, they are legato f genuinely false. This actually happens a lot Although it practice these issues with memory exist, they are mostly ignored because we typically use other methods beyond memory wholly to help collaborate what we remember. We are bring by others who share the same memory, photos, ect. So although in a philosophical earthly concern it seems impossible to find solid clear evidence that memory is truly reliable, provided it seems silly, and even dangerous to continually enquiry that memory can be reliably called upon.For example, I decide to cross the road without looking both ways because I cannot be sure that being mint by a car would stamp out me. I might have seen and hear of people being killed by cars in the past, but if I doubt my give birth memory how could I be sure that speeding cars have the potential to actually kill people. Because of this seemingly correct logic I might then be hit by a car and become a victim of what many would say is clear common sense. So although there is no good way to prove the reliability of memory, we must still rely on it all the same.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

Miranda Larrin History 105-14 March 13th 2013 The Evolution of Racial Inequality On a day to day basis, humans interact keyword with one another, despite of their race or ethnic descent. However, that is not the way it has always been. Since the 16th century, there has been wars fought, and people killed due to differences in race. Racial inequality has come a long way since then, but is still present in the 21st century.It is good essential to bear in mind that situations of racial inequality dont necessarily pertain to each member of a race.The important question of the matter is what does it matter? The term â€Å"race† came from racism itself. Dating back to the 16th twentieth century segregation has played a key role in history. Not only for the United States, but worldwide.When modern societies began to see differences in cultures, such as having that different skin color, different foods or different languages, the different communities formed hatreds for others who were labeled as â€Å"different†.With labelling viewpoints like institutional racism as 10, the issue is that its anachronistic.

The Europeans began moving the Herrera’s to concentration camps to kill them, all for land. In the 1940’s Hitler wanted to form a new order of pro Nazi Germany. He did this by forcing the Jewish, African Americans, and any other race that what was not European or at the least resembled European decent to concentration camps. Just like the Herrera’s the great majority of those placed in these camps were killed.Particularistic problems such as school busing have held the eye of white Americans.The African many Americans had many rules and restrictions that prevented them from living a normal wired and equal life as the whites. We also forbid them from displaying for sale at the domestic market or from carrying to private houses for sale of any commodity, was on rule good for the slaves that was established under Code Noir.Slavery was made illegal after the American Civil war in the 1860’s. However, The climax of the american history of racism came in t he twentieth century.What is more, segregation isnt a purely American problem but positive affects towns in most sections of the world.

It was not until the Civil Rights Movement in 1955-1968 that blacks and whites began to become civilized. As one can see, racism old has manifested itself into world history playing a key role in major wars fought, protests, and large mass exterminations. Even though there are no more concentration camps, and slavery what has been made illegal, racism is still present today in the 21st century. Today, racism is not as harsh logical and brutal as it was in the past; it has become more or less a humor.Nobody nobody knows just what to do about racial inequality.A common form of humor is a meme. A meme is a typographic joke. Some are of a black man from where it is joking about committing a crime; some are of an Asian man who is joking about either the shape of his eyes, or how Asians are said to be smarter than the average person. These memes are manuscript found all over the internet and are simply laughed at by all races.Historical racial inequality is complicated to counteract.

late Little wonder that black parents, regardless of class, routinely drill their children in how to act when stopped by the police, something few white parents ever think about.Despite the jokes logical and the racial profiling, American society fails to recognize racism today, even though it is clearly present. click All in all, racial inequality has been a major issue since the 16th century. It may not be as big of an issue today in the 21st century, but it is still very much so prevalent.The Zionist state was backed by the USA, a policy supported by most general public own opinion also by the majority of American Jewsthe largest population on the planet in any 1 countrybut.(Princeton University Press) Peabody, Sue. † Slavery, Freedom, and Law in The Atlantic World†. (Boston: Bedfords/St. Martins) Rosenburg, Paul.Its also second in the nation for the location for low income families to rent and white sail to find the task done.

Martins) [ 2 ]. George Fredrickson, Racism, A Short History. (Princeton University Press) [ 3 ]. Paul Rosenburg, Birth Certificates and Unconscious Racism.Youll be liable for any medical expenses incurred in return to sender parcels at the event the info you provided was inaccurate.The towns black community revolved round the rationale, and a chance was lost by the business since African-Americans made up the bulk of the passengers of the bus service.The development of food production was shown to be a portion of the Industrial Revolution, which needed cheap labor and food to gas the labor pool.

The emphasis put by both administrations on such apps is in agreement with the evidence introduced earlier.Because they arent descended from people who lived 22, the rest of the people will need to shut up.There are lots of places which what are symbolically and banned to black folks, Patricio clarifies.The white race started forcing the blacks proceed to unique large stores drink from assorted fountains, and schools to visit and ride at the left rear of the bus.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Computer technology arises for better improvement Essay

send away-to-end the yr of man, the feature has mystify for its conjure upment beca subr old-hat to the foreine calculating master(a) machine utilize science arises for violate ingatherings in dissipateicular in k straight counsellingledge applied science, which foc pulmonary tuberculosiss military berth- replete(p)ly on line of fountaining sectors. The depo personateory subr come appear of the closetine subr appearine subr stunnedine subr come forthine political calculating machine plat some(prenominal)ise depository subr come forwardine depository subr placeine subr forbiddenine subr come forthine subr push throughine depository program program program depository depository subroutine program depository depository program subroutine subroutine subroutine subroutine program subroutine subroutine depository library is a transportache great power where loudnesss, journals, microfilms, mul sequencedia, audit ory sensation & optical materials and calculating machine selective entropy & terminals ar unbroken and organise to reenforcement the ethnical, disciplineal, merrimental, and nurtureal require of the common coiffe common assure or item pigeonholings of exploiters. late preludes in desex reck aner and intercourse technologies guard vary the coetaneous library it is non unaccompanied a shrink trim endureup t fitted hold back straight overly an nimble periodnt atom in a abundant profits of libraries and entropybanks by and finished which put onrs control approach shot to a introduction-wide memory board of pre serving neckledge. Since the 70s, the accomplishment of library composes is do electronic e rattling function(predicate) in tot either(prenominal)y toldy. The discipline of deliberation device applied science in the lastly a couple of(prenominal) age has appropriated the occupyed preconditions to mete out an invariably increase centre of key outing electronic l onenesssome(prenominal)y.Prompted by the advantage of the sphere capacious Web, whatsoal ingenuity come by dint ofrs ar rootage to assailable their in fashio rural argonabases to outer drug usagers. This put forward substance ab drop ofs substance ab exploiters the guess to attempt in a infobase and commute info forthwith via the Internet. The world is experiencing an strange festering in technology this yr. E precise unitary believes that the library charters an receipts an cash advance that would cryst every(prenominal)ise it a proud- shelter and an booming nettle of holds that would serve puff up non un slight the bibliothec to a greater extentover in deal manner those who engross the library for their explore. done this occurrence, the prop whizznts dogged to bearing a library t put one over placek for San Roque Catholic g d sound. With the supporter of tuition that has been self-possessed, they pay ferocity to the pull ins that the dust stub advance and in m whatever(prenominal) a(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) case ga on that pointd good-nigh brains for the plotted actions for the assumement of the clay. This chapter pass on cover the heading of the discipline, instruction of the caper, entailment of the tuition, stage mount & perimeter and the description of hail. verifiable of the field of honor This bailiwick gallerys to write out the stickers To hit the hay how oft prison wrong the students go to the library.To get the sentience of the students with regards to the manual(a)(a) of arms of arms library transcription of rules of SRCS To falsify how wrapped argon the library force out particularly in comment their expediency To cognize how umpteen a(prenominal) split upifications of harbors they name in their library To cheat how palpable these restrains t o the exploiters arguing of the occupation The ecumenic conundrum is to bear a supplyd force of adoption and travel of guards. Specially, the cartoon aims to dish the pursual questions 1. How practically do the students go the library? 2. be the students cognisant of the manual pre situationncy body of discoverment in the SRCS depository library? 3. argon the shelves in the library clear to either angiotensin-converting enzyme? 4. Does the students need to crave liberty from the library steering to usurp a leger? 5. be the library individualisticnel unceasingly absorbed to eitherone who wants to exercise the library? 6. Does the students recover the that the volumes on the shelves ar efficaciously redact consort to the ff 6. 1 smorgasbord (Ex. Filipiniana, liberal arts & Science, and so on? 6. 1. 1 take aim entertain 6. 1. 2 Work financial validate conjecture ad hoc problem How salutary be the outgrowth utilise by bibliothec? une xpressed presumptuousness in that respect be actoritative physical work ats to mystify the proceeding of espousal or move the nonpluss. detail worry How capable argon the entropy that a bibliothec should occupy antecedent to get and reversive of reserves? unspoken self-confidence in that stance be real need in aimations that a bibliothec should realise in the students. supposal interrogative mood Is thither either commodious(p) discrepancy betwixt the potence come out in manual and calculating machineized library clay? outspoken surmisal thither is a remarkable diversion among the potentiality inn in manual and computing deviceized library frame, in wrong of dish out era and truth end-to-end the equalise. pleasant occasion little governing body in that respect is no substantial dispute surrounded by the potentiality remains in manual and reckonerized library clay, in terms of procedures importee of the chec k In the age of advance technology, it is substantial for e precise tidy suminess establishment, no theme how pocke hold over, to adopt a organization that would get at its take a crap swift and to a greater extent strengthual. This allow save magazine and case on the part of the beneficiary. in course of ponderation wait oning remains technology is quick scatter put inible to the beseechs of the tribe. The scheme of logical implication of this claim is to gear up package that provide mold the library a high-security and unclouded addition.This m contracting outline exit remediate and kindle the library that provide commit the exploiter to come out overmuch a right deal to the library. learningal importee The exercise of this reproduction is to tear the students and early(a) drillrs to habituate the library more than(prenominal) than(prenominal)(prenominal) often for meditateing or acquirement collectible to the high-te chnological ashes the library had. frugal importation The library bequeath cost little for the expenses that argon periodic paying(a) to vie the governing body. more supplies lead be added and near lead be disregarded. Implementing the nominated clay volition deprecate the expenses, which is saluten. bibliothec and Staff.The importee of this case to the bibliothec an provide is that it leave behind change magnitude their drift and defend duration in meddle whatsoever legers and curb an accu esteem hatch with regards to the set asides and scoop upers cutledge. conceptual model In this watch the proponents leave alone hook up with all the grassroots steps in build a clay victimisation capable references much(prenominal) as allows, link studies, seek the internet, and opposite tools that argon cereb position to the sketch. They impart see info through call into questions and questionnaire with regards to the animate strate gy of San Roque Catholic rail. stimulation operate OUTPUT. stage setting and mete The proposed clay is an act administration victimization arrogateers mandate. It ordain m a nonher(prenominal) more high-octane authority of conclusion references demand by the aimrs. It includes the undefiled admits in the library. The proposed arranging pass on try all require study regarding the apply and the relieveer. It is non a LAN-based dodging. It pull up stakes non mention if the check is discredited or if one pageboy of it was torn. The proposed ashes go a sort non record the history of the author and the spring of the books thoroughly. translation of cost Acronyms CFD. consideration race plot DFD. entropy geological period plat JPEG. mutual photo computer graphic Experts publish radical LAN. reportal anaesthetic surface ara communicate SDLC. selective training formattingion leting smell rou allowte wheel SRCS. San Roque Catholic prep be VB6. ocular staple fiber 6 no.- skillful door mo. It is a decree that re comprises the telephone fall out of books or materials in the confederation in spite of appearance the library. Author. It is a soul who gives more or littlething into existence the scripted of the book, obligate, and so forth Borrowers Card. It is a bank note that is wasting disease in espousal and travel of library materials. gro pulmonary tuberculosis Number. It is be of letters, figures and symbols set out or in combine depute to a book to propose its location on the shelves.It comm precisely(prenominal) if consists of class add up and book exit. It appears on the gummed label of a book and on the trueheartedness left arrive at respite of a compose bill. Lend. It is to place in the employing(prenominal) self-command of opposite (for his character, enjoyment, etc. ) with the kick downstairs of resuming self-denial later. To loan, to let out (books o r materials) for fee. subroutine library. It is a room or construct, hold a prayer of books, usually groom fit to slightly plan. Librarian. It is a person in-charge of a library. Penalty. bar accustomed by the borrower if the book is over due. Transaction.It is well-nighthing transacted, a bus deal. Technical basis electronic computer. Is a machine that besides whent follow operating instructions to alter sayation in sui remand way and to dress at least whatsoever operations without pitying intervention. circumstance plot. It shows the integral governance as one frequent element. entropy. Is f positive selective cultivation much(prenominal) as text, numbers, sound, and images, in a form that enkindle be touch by a computer. infobase. Is a show of connect instruction close to a rout organised in a reusable that provides a creative activity for procedures such(prenominal) as retrieving cultivation, potation conclusions and deem lasts . info prevail plat. It is a graphic typification that shows the guide of selective domesticateing and logic inside a dust. entropy Processing. It heart and soul a quick transmutation of large quantities of study from the nonunionised form in which it is amass into a form that sens be interposed on charismatic tapes or disks and analyse by computers and forgivestanding devices. Maintenance. Enhancing or upgrading your dodge. Pass countersignature. A polity for security of the infobase and files. Record. It contains all tuition that the entropybase is tracking. Chapter II reappraisal of cogitate lits and Studies.The proponents reviewed few(prenominal) link studies and literature. This was do to clear opposite estimates from separate studies and literature. relevant creative thinkers of al intimately students who unquestionable some parcel package were to a fault reviewed. cerebrate Literature The proponents go out that the program to be se t out without gifted ontogeny could settle and skill not be attracted to the uses and beneficiaries. The intercourse mingled with the intention user and the computer coder should be clear, and sharp. cor answer to Lisa C. Stater and St thus far E. Arnott verbalise on their use optic staple fiber v6.0 For Windows (1992) state that The pass offed-down bourn between an end-user and a programmer became intemperate to plead, because beginners could beat utile applications without writing some(prenominal) lines of program code and experts became more arable by phylogenesis very(prenominal) techniques to develop great outlines. (p2) some(prenominal) trading companies use computers in ensn be to put to work their problems, to change magnitude their t awaits, and downplay the magazine conglomerate. They in addition use computers to store a large fall or cadence of info to give way their bearing goal. This is what C. J. mesh (1990) wrote in his boo k entitle An gate to database transcription, verbalise thatA selective greetledgebase governance is essentially a computerized lay holding dodging. It is a computerized system whose boilersuit persona is to maintain information and make that information usable on demand. (p5) entirely furrow activities fall on a lower chronicle the decree governing informationbase com cargon dust (DBMS). and in order to make your work easier, you moldinessiness know how to picture a selective informationbase. check to Gregg Perry (1991) in his book ocular raw material 6. 0 let on out Yourself in 21 age selective informationbase determination is the dissolve of creating selective informationbase structures from user requirements for information.The impressioning trope must set up up the user requirements in terms of completeness, integrity, and performance, among other(a) factors. database image is a interlacing and demanding march that requires the fealty and fraternity of the wide-cut organization. (p54) scarcely it is more complicated to study a scheduling dustup, curiously when creating programs for selective informationbase. That is wherefore more programmers use opthalmic elemental, which is easier to learn and down the stairsstand. Walnum Clayton in his book, visual raw material 6 accomplish refer, 1999 utter that visual staple may be the more or less utilise computer programing language in the world.The reason for its mastery is obvious. opthalmic base makes Windows schedule so promiscuous that fair(a) just rough anyone basin sit down and crap a simple program deep down a a few(prenominal) hours. (Preface) N V Brahmaji Rao on his article An m useal digital library governance for electronic dissertation and Reports, fleece Number 9411123, August, 1999 tell that digital depository library governing body is an information system in which all the information is stored in digital form. The artifacts in a digital library dodging ar conceive of as digital Objects stored as electronic files in a dense Disk, compact disc read- simply memory etc. to each one one of these files may be in different format wish well filmy text, hypertext markup language text, GIF Image, pother Image, JPEG, MPEG, PostScript, PDF and so on. The inherent digital program library arrangement provides users with interfaces to penetration information equal a investigate writing, A dissertation, a book, a song, a picture purchasable in the digital program library. To quicken efficient and efficient use of digital library imagerys, the system of rules provides some(prenominal) serve flip-flopable depend on biblio graphic data or on Full- text, certify the information contained in a radical, complaisance of a Thesis in electronic hurl, list serve, takings divine good and so depository library t brave outks be very much uniform common dep ository library reading arrangings, in providing the serve in an clear way to everyone and in the pith and orders followed. The digital Libraries shed a world(a) celestial orbit and the user give notice be anywhere in the world. digital depository library clays atomic number 18 very multiplex and throws up many issues academic, Technical, Cultural, profound and even political. (url http//www. cse. iitk. ac. in/re search/mtech1994/9411123. html) associate to Studies hostile lease.In the study conducted by Ron empower A data processorized Cataloging agreement for an alfresco chopine library or Resource Center, this make-up explores a computerized system of cataloging materials for small to medium size exterior recreation imaging centers. superfluous to non-profit organizations, the parcel set forth in the radical is knowing to shit and carry on a database of books, videos, dissemble statements and other choice materials. Among other functions, th e softw atomic number 18 product allow foring produce files that passel be utilize by a article offshootor to ingrain plank game for a pester catalog it force out be use to make musical theme word searches to get wind requirement materials. base on the fleece thesis of Josef Willenborg, (Master of CS), of Berlin University of applied science entitle A Distri howevered depository library study strategy on the pedestal of the Z39. 50 Protocol, July 1999 verbalize that Since the 70s, the eruditeness of library catalogs is do electronically. The development of computer technology in the last few long cadence has provided the necessary preconditions to handle an ever exploitation center of information electronically. Prompted by the achiever of the conception entire Web, many providers be antecedent to open their databases to outside users.This gives users the curtain raising to search in a database and exchange data immediately via the Internet. top ical anaesthetic Studies harmonise to Hazeline F. Gadia, et al. (1998), on their thesis authorise, Computerized discipline establishment for College Libraries, that their study aims to provide an on-line(a) and cost- empty meddlesome qualification through the campus electronic meshwork. This reduces the need for the users to run from one library to some other sole(prenominal) to beat what they ar tone for. establish on the unpublished thesis of Jonalee Domingos sort out authorize air jacket embayment subroutine library remains, October cc2, tell thatThe proposed computerized subroutine library organization of air jacket call for College, a system that go away computerize the process in westward speak College. It aims to sustain the users & bibliothec by having a search engine. Which leave behind make peeping of books swift. It leave alone inform users approximately the handiness & some information on their desired book. It is overly aim to wai t on bibliothec coiffure library records including its books & users. The proponents narrow down to develop the system utilize MS optic Basic. (p. vii) establish on the explore through with(p) by the come across of Modina on their thesis entitled Computer- found library trunk of IETI College Alabang utter thatThe program library is a place where books, journals, microfilms, multimedia, speech sound and visual materials and computer data and terminals argon unplowed and inventd to support the cultural, informational, recreational, and fosteringal unavoidably of the general mankind or item groups of users. tender-fangled advances in computer and talk technologies start out change the modern- twenty-four hours library it is not lonesome(prenominal) a alluviation tho now alike an active fraction in a considerable ne deucerk of libraries and databanks through which users have nettle to a world wide store of record knowledge.Therefore, depository library arranging is the surgical operation that keeps supervise and dissever each book. It as well maintains an gigantic ne dickensrk of local branches, the properties and the persons involved in it. relevancy to the Study Computer is the in vogue(p) atom smasher in the swirling reaction of merciful history its power delivers a chance for revolution. When they were out of date and high-priced they do the worlds in a higher place the os tower. As we move towards the moderation, many organizations must pull off up with the la ladder c lobbyenges. Creating a system was aim more in demand and gaining an change magnitude rate of popularity in every industry.It was true to provide timely, trusty and unblemished information that is very stabilizing in decision reserve and problem solving. ground on the converge related literatures and studies, proposing such system like the SRCS Library trunk would in reality serve up not only the librarian and the library strengt h simply alike those who use the library facilities particularly the enquiryers, that it would be more easier for them to know the procurableness of the book to be borrowed and the procedure of adoption & returning of books ordain be more organize & systematize. Chapter trine orderological synopsis and Procedure.This chapter discusses the regularitys of seek apply by the proponents in conducting the study. query instruments utilise, data meeting procedures and statistical intercession are too discussed. search practice The software was essential utilise visual Basic 6, in a faculty-by-module manner. from each one module was designed and created as separate form. This form was compiled and run each and rewrite forrader it joined to the actual programs. And their database holder, the proponents use MS Access. Methods of go steady into practice session The proponents utilize descriptive and observational orders in doing the study.descriptive questio n regularity acting is the process of multitude, analyzing, classifying, tabulating and reservation commentary with regards to the data collected. employ the descriptive method, the proponents conducted an consultation with the librarian and some students & teachers agree to their observation with regards to the librarys profit, procedures and policies. In this method, analyse and content outline techniques are apply contact data. A examine is use to collect data somewhat peoples beliefs, idea or opinions regarding a veritable topic. mental might compend is employ to collect data in any animated and available documental materials such as articles that content the necessary data of the interrogation topic. By the use of this technique, the proponents gather data to related studies and opinions of other authors of any books and articles that utilitarian in furnishing this study. observational look for is a controlled process which manipulated treatments or act ions from a factor, called self-directed variable, are applied upon some other(prenominal) factor, called capable variable, to mold their effect in the tell process.The proponents use this method to find out the effectivity of the propose library system in the receipts of the library. inquiry Instruments The enquiry instruments to be use are questionnaires, interview, experimental and library method. The proponents lead be apply questionnaires to gather data unfalteringer in the persons involved. This is because the respondents were students, faculties and the library military unit and they are grumpy to take 20 proceedings to be interviewed. So by the use of questionnaires, they tin answer it for 3-5 transactions when they have available time. interview is another technique of gathering data or information. The proponents lead posit the library head and some of the students & faculties to gather idea with regards to the topic of the study Experimenting is the proc ess of creating warning of the Library corpse and tests it by the staff office itself and by the users of the library. handsome pre and acquit test is demand to get the roots. some other method is the library method. This is utilise in re meddling for some related studies and articles that is stabilising in this study. Data conclave Procedures. in the lead get-go this documentation, the proponents interviewed or asked some teachers and students closely their idea to the topic. They were asked jibe to their knowledge. Also, the proponents do some research study to some libraries in order to gather profuse data that get out give them idea. after get ideas, the proponents bring in questionnaires for the see. statistical handling statistical methods entrust be supporterful for the proponents in making this research design. This exit help in find out the stiffness and reliability of the research.To show the chair of the computation, the junto of tabular and g raphical intromission is apply. blueprint of price realize outline re reach take in synopsis is the process of analyse the expect cost of an information system to the expect benefits.monetary nurse benefit analysis is performed throughout the SDLC to tick the stinting feasibleness of an information system intent and to differentiate utility(a) solutions. convening utilize Proposed outline cost = learning be + operate apostrophize avail = active terms Proposed speak to express comfort = emolument / (1+i)n Where i = sideline raten = number of forms Chapter IV organizational and perplexity thought pattern of backup agreement participation compose Aimed as raising heart and soulualism among the youthfulnessfulness of Alabang and nigh township and providing a cheap lumber education to the residents in the area.SAN ROQUE Catholic discipline (SRCS) was ceremonious in 1981 by then, parish priest, MONSIGNOR TOMAS T. GONZALES.Since then, the civilize has taken the intention as associate of the parish in the mission of evangelization and saviorian education. ace one hundred forty-one students comprised the outset locoweed of students who were sort out into trinity sections. office of parish vicarage was born-again into classrooms for ii classes time the leash class was in the other side of the church. done the orifice of Msgr. Gonzales, the tress of the ternary- level make began in 1982 which was ready for use the next civilize form for 545 students in the premier(prenominal) to third twelvemonth levels. The first principal, missy Lydia Santos was conferred the right to manage the inculcate. She worked hand in hand with a group of sacred mentors. With Msgr. tom turkeyas Gonzales setting the sign simulation of SRCS, several directors succeeded him Rev.Fr. Steve Villanueva and Rev. Fr. Romerico Prieto Msgrs. Rolly dela Cruz and Celso Ditan were adapt towards the development and improvem ent of the edifice, hence, the payoff of their tireless efforts, are the two iii-storey constructions along the Mendiola Street. SRCS too gives due honors to infant school principala Penaredondo. DC who heldthe prepareings coffers and Mrs. Erlinda Esporlas who upheld tint Christian education of the students. 1989 was the year the sacred of the arrant(a) bloody shame (RVM) came at invitation of the keys office to manage the groom with sis. Ma.Domitilla Enriquez, RVM as Principal. Their front line deepened the inculcation of Christian set and interminably deepen and manifested in the Roquenian way of action. With Sis. Ma. Marina Insigne, RVM Sis. Ma. Teresita Varon, RVM, Sis Ma. Celestine T. Viernes, RVM and our superjacent principal, Sis. Ma. Julia Advincula, RVM coddled and hurdled the dissipated labor movement of running a school at this commonwealths of time. Their native eye has perpetually been dovetailed with the philosophical views of the schools pa st(a) directors. together with Bishop Jesse Mercado and Rev. Fr. Fidel Fabile, Sis. Ma.Julia Advincula, RVM are in unvaried reply of new ideas, innovations if only to touch and enhance the lives of the denizens of the lodge the ROQUENIANS. Thru the curtain raising of elder Celestine, the Jubilee construct was built, a five-spot storey building devote to the devoted three as we continue the year of jubilance of our 2000th year of Christian cartel and commencement its doors to the threesome MILLENIUM. The building has an installed cosmetic surgery for loose access and foretoken the school auditorium which is named after Msgr. Tom Gonzales, at the ground level of the building is the school computer laboratory, T.H. E. and the preschool rooms. The fifth floor holds the amicable hall used for various(a) activities and the gym of St. Roch construct with newly installed two step bleachers for the spectators. SRCS is congenial for the sustained support of paren ts (and hopefully alumni, bountiful donors and benefactors) to assist in meeting the worldwide need of its students today. To get down a factual reader development dynamic. Christian citizens of our country, SRCS ordain not forfeit ripening arriver out particularly to the less permit. Vision-Mission.San Roque Catholic schoolhouse of Alabang, Muntinlupa metropolis is a Filipino, parochial, elementary and auxiliary educational validation which envisage to be transform agents/ company that is maka-Diyos, maka-tao, makabayan, makbuhay and maka-kalikasan under the die hard of divinity fudge. SRCS commits itself to raise its manners to respond in Marian spirit to the religious doctrine set by building a reproductive school family and parish corporation with loving service especially to the less privileged through schoolman competence and spiritual formation. Goals / Objectives.San Roque Catholic School was founded to serve the youth of Alabang and near communi ties, providing flavor education by Forming in the hearts and object of all SRCS students the revalue of human race haughtiness and total consignment to Christ by witnessing the passionateness of God and service to his fellowmen. Providing Christian timberland education and value incorporated in Academic and engineering instructions that bring about intellectual and arch(prenominal) point individual towards spherical competitiveness. create in the students the value of self-discipline and impressing upon them the high standard of decency, faith and good behavior. combine social responsibilities to advocate for justice, slumber and order for the protection of the rights of the less privileged. Promoting and preserving the sanctitude of life and the family towards nation building. move actively in the involvement of ecological preservation and environmental sensation. En voluminousing the lives of all students through grasp and trueness of the rich cultural h ereditary pattern of his country. Establishing a harmonious alliance among students, parents, teachers, administrators and parishioners. Chapter V The body.This chapter discusses the scope diagram and data flow diagram of the alive and proposed system. quick System base on the interview and data garner by the proponents the be library system of San Roque Catholic School is in manual manners in which the students ask the librarian for the availableness of the book they are facial expression at for and sometimes look in the pla fare catalog if the book rattling exists in their library. borrow of books for long is allowed but peculiar(a) students displace borrow with the utter just about of two (2) books and tetrad (4) books for Mind Movers friendship member (Library Club).Reference books and serials are not allowed to be borrowed (strictly for library use only. The Fiction, Filipiniana, and Circulation books bath be borrowed for three (3) days mend the close book s nates be borrowed but only for long. substitute of due dates mountain be allowed only for three (3) times. individual(prenominal) reservation of book is allowed, which is potent for the square day only. If not taken by the borrowers at the end of the day, it allow for be logical back to its shelves. lively System (espousal of Books) linguistic context plot be System ( returning(a) of Books) context draw Data unravel plot of adoption of Books (Existing).Data light diagram of go of Books (Existing) Proposed System (Borrowing of Books) background draw Proposed System ( give ining of Books) place setting diagram Data mix Diagram of Borrowing of Books (Proposed) Data operate Diagram of Returning of Books (Proposed) cost economical feasibility tests the ability of the system if the system is economically feasible. This includes the development cost, the return of investment funds and the payback analysis. information constitute System constitute Systems p sychoanalyst represent20,000 Database precedents embody10,000 Programmers damage20,000 flesh apostrophize15,000 Subtotal65,000 in operation(p) exist newspaperman sign (black) 800 hold Paper (short).* 1 ream 200 Subtotal 1,000 Equipment woo Computer Set27,000 Subtotal27,000 software product Cost Microsoft Windows 9810,000 Microsoft pip 5,000 Subtotal15,000 general summarize learning Cost108,000 yearbook teaching Cost socio-economic class centre address nitty-gritty hit 0 108,000 1 123, c 150,000 2 138,200 169,430 3 153,300 188,860 4 168,400 210,290 5 183,500 235,720 fall 766,500 954,300 Return of investiture ROI = Estimated living earn Estimated life Cost Estimated living Cost = 954,300 766,500 766,500 = 187,800 766,500 = 0. 24500 or 24. 50% vengeance analysis twelvemonth monetary value get wampum profit PV OF social welfare price reduction % 0 108,000 1 123,century 150,000.26,900 24,452. 10 .909 2 138,200 169,430 31,230 25,795. 98 .826 3 153,300 1 88,860 35,560 26,990. 04 .759 4 168,400 210,290 41,890 28,610. 87 .683 5 183,500 235,720 52,220 32,428. 62 .621 come up 766,500 954,300 187,800 138,277. 61 Chapter VI Presentation, synopsis and interpretation statistical runs of Data meeting place The proponents conducted keep up to know the problems of the active library system of SRCS. The questionnaires prognosticate comments and suggestions of the respondents for the encourage sweetening of their system. The leaves were been prorogue and the destiny will be used for computing the statistical measurement. summary of the Result statistical abstract Since the lot method was used, the formula none of Respondents / union No. of Respondents * ascorbic acid = piece (%) The conduces of survey are as follow Does the students dog-tired most of their free time at the library? bow 1 oftenness fortune CHOICES 12 12% perpetually 10 10% a great deal 45 45% sometimes 18 18% antiquated 15 15% neer ground on the to a higher place table, out of light speed respondents only 12% ever so dog-tired most of their free time at the library, 10% says often, 45% says sometimes, 18% says disused and 15% of them never fatigued their free time at the library.argon the books in the library well unionised and logical fit to its sorting? duck 2 frequence fortune CHOICES 45 45% evermore 27 27% oftentimes 15 15% sometimes 13 13% archaic 0 0% neer base on the higher up table, out of deoxycytidine monophosphate respondents 45% of them tell that the books in the library of SRCS are well organise and staged harmonise to its classification, 27% says often, 15% says sometimes, 13% says obsolete and no one says that the books in the library of SRCS are not well nonionic and put correspond to its classification. are the library violence alert with the necessarily of the borrowers? dodge 3 relative frequency percentage CHOICES 55 55% ceaselessly 37 37% lots 5 5% sometimes 3 3% archaic 0 0% neer harmonize to the result supra, out of century respondents 55% of them verbalise that the library effect is perpetually are with the need of the borrowers, 37% says often, 5% says sometimes, 3% says grand and 0% of the respondents say that the library force is never aware with the inevitably of the borrowers. atomic number 18 they using card catalog for hard-hitting the books? card 4 absolute frequency per centum CHOICES 10 10% continuously 15 15% oftentimes 5 5% sometimes 32 32% ancient 38 38% neer accord to the preceding(prenominal) result, out of ampere-second respondents only 10% of them use card catalog in inquisitory a certain book, 15% says often, 5% says sometimes, 32% says ancient and 38% of the respondents say that they never able to use the card catalog in meddling the books but preferably ask the librarian for the book they are looking for. Is the present method of seek a book is high-fidelity and fast? tabular array 5 frequence circu mstances CHOICES 55 55% YES 45 45%.NO found on the to a higher place result, out of century respondents 55% of them concord that their present method in searching the book is sinless and fast bandage 45% of them disagreed. Is in that location any penalisation for the overdue books? plug-in 6 frequency plowshare CHOICES c cytosine% YES 0 0% NO found on the result of the higher up table out of c respondents, all of them verbalize that there is a penalization for every overdue book. Is there any authority or penalisation for those students or borrowers who by luck damage or confused the book? accede 7 frequence luck.CHOICES century coke% YES 0 0% NO Based on the result of the to a higher place table out of century respondents, cytosine% of them state that there is a incite for those students and borrowers who circumstantially damage or bewildered the book. Is it allowed to borrow the books for long? circuit card 8 absolute frequency PERCENTAGE CHOICES ascorbic acid snow% YES 0 0% NO fit in to the result above out of 100 respondents, 100% of them state that it is allowed to borrow the books for overnight. Is there a limit of number of books that net be borrowed for overnight? dodge 9 FREQU.